Egg White French Toast – A Super Healthy Breakfast for 200 Calories & 10 Grams of Protein

I have a confession…sometimes I skip breakfast.  Another confession…I hate wasting calories on food I don’t love.

OK, OK, so I know skipping breakfast isn’t healthy and there are numerous reasons why breakfast should never be missed but there are times I just simply forget or don’t have time.  This brings me to my second confession regarding wasting calories…
Sometimes I just don’t want to eat something that I am not looking forward to.  As a girl that is in a constant battle between fitting into my skinny jeans and my love of food it just isn’t worth it to me.  However, my egg white french toast is both a great item to eat for breakfast and it will keep you in your skinny jeans.   The recipe can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes and it is soooooo delicious!  I try to keep this recipe extra healthy by using Ekekiel Bread which is 100% flour less and made of organic sprouted whole grains.  The bread also has 6 grams of dietary fiber per slice and no sugar!  The calorie content may change slightly depending on the type of bread and toppings you use, however the below recipe is for how I like to eat mine.

I hope you have a chance to try this out for yourself.  Please let me know what you think!

Egg White French Toast
1 slice of Ezekiel Bread
1/4 cup egg whites (I buy the egg whites in a container for ease)
dash cinnamon
non-stick cooking spray
1 teaspoon light butter (I like Land of Lakes)
1 T. Pure Maple Syrup

Heat a non-stick skillet to medium heat.   Meanwhile, pour egg whites in a shallow dish and sprinkle in a dash of cinnamon.   Soak break in egg white mixture for about 15 seconds and then flip over and soak the other side of the bread.  Spray the skillet and put the french toast in – cook 1-2 minutes per side and serve.  I like to enjoy mine with some light butter and maple syrup but this would be great with fresh berries or jam as well.

Here is the egg white and cinnamon mixture:
Soak the bread:
Flip over and soak the other side (see how much the bread absorbs):
Cook in a skillet with your non stick spray for a couple of minutes per side and here is what you get:
I like to enjoy mine with light butter and maple syrup:

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