Delicious Raffles Toffee

I can’t believe the holidays are here.  Every year, post-holiday, I say the same thing – next year will be different, I will be better prepared and enjoy the holiday season.  I need to give it up and just embrace my crazy life.

The crazy life I lead exists of my 24 hour job as mommy and wife, my job on the side which is marketing for a large website and well, this blog, which is just fun. 🙂    I was recently contacted by Kathy Raffles of Raffles Toffee asking if I would like to try some of her toffee.   I agreed, with alterior motives of taste testing some treats that I could potentially send some relatives that live in California.  (BTW – I must add that I never send my relatives in California anything, because I never know what to send them and I just forget.  I know, I am a crappy niece.)  Nonetheless, this offer brought this top of mind and I would be able to see what the packaging was like and the quality of the product to potentially send my relatives.

Several days later this is what I received:

Beautiful – yes!  Delicious – Oh my gosh, yes!  Easy gift – yes!

OK, so let me start with the packaging.  They come in these reusable metal tins with a satin ribbon,  providing a beautiful presentation when gift giving as well as a easy way to serve the toffee.  Inside is one pound of toffee (I was sent both dark and milk chocolate) and both were delicious.  I am partial to milk chocolate, but both were amazing.

Upon opening the toffee you will find it sealed, to keep it fresh and mine was in large pieces.  I especially likes this because I was able to break off pieces that were as big or little as I wanted.

To try this delicious toffee, go to . The cost per tin, which includes one pound of toffee is $18, which is consistent with other high-end toffees out there.

I hope you try this and enjoy it half as much as I did.  I am sure my relatives in California will love it as well.