Hi there! My name is Catherine and welcome to Lemonade & Lipstick. I was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and absolutely love it here. This blog was born as a place where I could share my favorite recipes and has blossomed into a forum where I can share my favorite makeup & beauty tips as well.
I am not a formally trained chef, however I am a graduate of the school, “My Mom Was An Awesome Cook”. Ever since I was a little girl I can remember sitting on the counter watching my mom cook. My favorite childhood recipes were always the most simple – roast beef, her salad with red wine vinegar & olive oil salad and a Brazilian side dish, Farofa. I love reading blogs, cookbooks and watching YouTube cooking videos all in my passion to create new, innovative culinary creations.
When not working on my blog, I work on my real business, a product called Handcation, a hand sanitizing mist with superfood ingredients to not only sanitize, but also nourish and moisturize your hands. Check it out here and go on a Handcation!
Pam Hubbard | 23rd Apr 21
Love your blog trying the Asian low cal salad receipt tonight . Definitely need to com to site more often so many good things to read about and receipts to try .
cathubbard@hotmail.com | 23rd Apr 21
Thank you so much! I am glad you are enjoying the blog!
Brenda Randall | 2nd May 19
I’m so excited to find your blog and look forward to trying the yummy looking recipes and trying beauty products. First up is Kung Pao Brussel Sprouts tomorrow.
Pamdoll | 2nd Jan 15
Love the blog. Great information xo
cathubbard@hotmail.com | 3rd Jan 15
Thanks so much! 🙂
Pamdoll | 10th Dec 14
Hi loving the blog. The receive tips are fantastic , can’t wait to try some of them