Quick Tip – Freezing Wine

Years ago I was stuck in a doctors office for what seemed like an eternity.  I came across an issue of Food and Wine magazine and inside there was a tip so genius I have been using it for years.  As the title states, it is freezing wine.
Have you ever cooked with wine and either didn’t finish off the bottle at dinner or just didn’t feel like drinking the rest of it for a few days?  I was coming across this predicament quite often and I found myself throwing away quite a bit of decent wine until this.
All you do is take your good wine and pour the wine into ice cube trays and freeze.  I like to leave them in the freezer for a day.  Once they are set they will look like this:

The wine cubes will be solid, but slightly soft.  Each cube is the equivalent to two tablespoons of wine and since you will be freezing the cubes, they will be good to use for about two weeks and still taste great!

Try this tip out and let me know what you think!

Links I am Loving This Week….

I love reading the endless amounts of cool information on the internet and I am fascinated by what people are reading.  Below are some links I have stumbled upon this week.  Please pass on interesting articles you are reading…

Ten Delicious Ways to Use Rotisserie Chicken: I stumbled on this when looking through my Pinterest boards for some inspiration for dinner one day.  There are some refreshing and relish dinner options provided.

Seventeen Ways to Pimp Your Pumpkin Without Carving ItHaving two boys that are ages ten and eleven, I can’t wait to try some of these fun techniques.  Not having to carve a pumpkin will also cut down on a lot of mess for me also!

Which Wine Pairs With Your Halloween Candy: Halloween is on Friday and I fully plan to have a glass or two of wine to celebrate – while raiding my boys’ candy bags.

How to Detox Every Day: I try to do all things in moderation.  I know myself well enough to realize that a long term detox isn’t my thing, but I love these little tricks to help me keep my body as healthy as possible.

10 Snacks That Make You Beautiful: I am a snacker, so any ideas on snacks that are actually good for me is an article I will always want to read.

25 Definitive Style Rules Every Woman Should Follow: While I love a good trend, the classics are always a good reminder.  This article outlines some classic trends that can always be incorporated into your daily wardrobe.

You’re Not the Only One: 8 Memoirs To Get Your Through Hard Times:   Life isn’t easy all the time or even some of the time.  I love reading memoirs from people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles – anything to keep this life in perspective…