I am headed towards a milestone. I just had a birthday and turned 39, which means that 40 is coming up in May 2015. I told my husband that I want to be in the best shape of my life next May and I need to start now, not 3 months before my birthday or January 1st, but now. I am working on getting fit, exercising more frequently, lifting some weights and the most important part – eating better. Although I am pretty healthy today and am at a good weight, I want to focus on toning up and getting some sort of booty. I suffer from “white girl booty syndrome” aka I don’t have much of an ass. In any event, a lot of posts will likely be centered around being healthier, healthier recipes, age defying products and things like that.
Sooooo….I am on the lookout for fabulous foods that will help me glow and feel amazing when this caught my eye while going through Whole Foods:
In my world a compliment can go far, just ask my boys. These little protein shakes made by CalNaturale had me at “Hello Beautiful” and “Looking Good”. Seriously though – how flipping cute is the packaging? Anyways, I bought a vanilla and chocolate flavor and parked them in my pantry for a couple of days before putting them in the frig. I think I will keep the packages when I am done just so I can have a positive affirmation when I enter the pantry. Anyways, back to the shakes – here is the skinny on them. They have a soy base and are packed with vitamins and have a healthy amount of protein. Each package holds about 16 oz. Here is the nutrition information from the back:

These shakes are also tasty. Now I am not one to sugarcoat the taste and say, “these taste just like a milkshake!” No, that this not the case. I do enjoy drinking mine over ice or putting the shake in the blender with ice for a refreshing treat. These also make a great addition to my coffee. I especially like adding the chocolate to my morning coffee for a mocha. Another fab part of this product is that they have a cap where you can drink a little bit now and a save it for later if you don’t want to down the whole thing in one sitting. I didn’t think these were cheap though. They were on special at Whole Foods for 2/$7.00.
The verdict on these is go get some. The packaging is awesome, they make me smile whenever I see them (I love anything that makes me feel happy), they taste yummy, are healthy and they are somewhat economical since they have a screw top.
Does anyone have any yummy shakes they like that are worth trying?